Health Message from Meerilinga CEO regarding COVID-19

Dear children, families, staff and wider community

We would like to keep all of our community up to date with Meerilinga’s Risk Management Plan in relation to minimising the possible spread of the Coronavirus.

Our number one priority at Meerilinga is to stay informed. Our teams seek the most current information regarding COVID-19 and continue to follow the recommendations of relevant public health authorities and regulators. At this time, our teams continue to work alongside families to provide a safe and secure environment for our children, with continuity and normality equally important to alleviate anxieties.

Meerilinga’s Risk Management Plan has been developed from both State and Federal guidelines.

The Australian Government Department of Health website has detailed information that you can keep up with and is being updated as the COVID-19 situation develops:,

As well as the WA State Government:

Meerilinga’s Risk Management Plan

  • We have reviewed our health and hygiene (H&H) processes in relation to the current health department requirements.
  • Staff have registered to participate in a COVID-19 information session presented by the Telethon Kids Institute.
  • We have ceased all intergenerational activities i.e. seniors with children.
  • We will not accept outside students or additional visitors e.g. library visits into our educational services.
  • Holiday programs and new room bookings for parties etc have been cancelled to minimise additional exposure.
  • We have arranged additional professional cleaning for our facilities.
  • Our staff will follow requirements for isolation as advised by health authorities should that action become necessary.
  • A dedicated isolation space has been identified in each location to host a person presenting with illness until support or pick is arranged.
  • Our staff will continue to implement exceeding hygiene practices.
  • Traffic light system posters are displayed at each service to discourage potential unwell persons entering the premise.
  • Hand sanitisers are available at each entry point and all staff are reminding persons who enter to utilise this additional method on reducing germs.
  • Staff have ceased travel between services to reduce potential cross contamination.
  • An Advisor has been placed at each CFC location to oversee and support staff in additional H&H practices and ongoing risk assessment.
  • Staff displaying cold or flu symptoms are not to attend work until cleared by a doctor.

Intentional teaching implemented in our programs:

This resource provides guidance on how to have conversations with children to help them process what they are seeing online, on TV or hearing from other people. We acknowledge that children can be particularly vulnerable to feelings of anxiety and stress. Having open and supportive discussions with your child/ren can help them understand, cope and even make a positive contribution to their peers.

Unicef offers a great resource to support your discussions with children in your care:

Our Educators are leading conversations with children to discuss a range of emotions that may arising from the current situation. For some additional support, you could download and print this free book to read with children in your care:

We continue to teach children about germs and how to maintain personal hygiene skills such as hand washing and nose wiping:

Additional financial assistance available for families:

During this time some families may choose to exclude their child from our care environment. In this instance please review our policies on fees and charges.

The Australian government has additional assistance available to families.


Please be assured the team at Meerilinga are revising our processes and practices daily. We are undertaking all possible steps to minimise any risk to children, families and staff. We commit to distributing relevant communication as more information regarding COVID-19 becomes available.


Yours sincerely

Lesley Moreschi

Chief Executive Officer

Meerilinga Young Children’s Foundation Inc.

health message from meerilinga ceo regarding covid-19