Philosophy in Action
Meerilinga’s Early Learning Philosophy underpins everything we do as a Western Australian Early Childhood Advocate, State Training Organisation and Early Childhood Service provider. Our philosophy is a living document and a way of being, reflecting the values, beliefs and relationships with our children, families, staff and broader community so that it retains value. Philosophy Review click here.
Each child in our program is viewed in a holistic manner and individual needs and interests are shared and built upon to embed positive learning experiences guided by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). The children in our care learn through play, therefore we encourage and support their learning and development by being involved, supportive and available. Preparing our preschool aged children for kindergarten, we value each child’s unique culture and celebrate diversity. We believe children learn through developing strong, nurturing and respectful relationships so that they feel confident to take on challenges, make friends and learn about the world in which they live. Our reconciliation initiatives are part of the wider ethos within Meerilinga to enable reconciliation as everyone’s business and for everyone’s benefit.
We nurture children’s sense of wonder and appreciation for the environment through providing a variety of experiences to choose and explore at their own pace. To learn about Our Sustainability Action Story click here.
Our Educators are motivated and dedicated professionals who participate in professional development opportunities to enable quality practice to be maintained as part of our continuous improvement. Educators work in partnership with family members and the community. We encourage and welcome families’ participation in the program, open communication and the sharing of information. All information shared with Educators will be treated respectfully and in the best interests of children.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on our Early Learning Philosophy. Take a few moments to complete this short survey.
If you’re looking for a child care centre, you should consider looking for the better alternative of a Meerilinga Early Learning Program. For more information about our Early Learning Programs, please follow these links: Our Policies and Our Family Handbook.