2014 Review of the National Quality Agenda

The early childhood education and care sector, families and the community are reminded that the consultation period on the proposed options for changes to the National Quality Framework on Early Childhood Education and Care will be closing on Friday 16 January 2015.

Consultation on the proposed changes to the Framework as outlined in the Regulation Impact Statement began in November 2014, with information sessions held in each state and territory in capital cities and regional areas. In Western Australia these sessions were held in the Perth CBD, Bunbury, Port Hedland and Kalgoorlie.
Thank you to those who attended the sessions and who have already taken the time to fill out the online survey, or have provided a submission or comment.

As the consultation period is shortly closing, those who have not yet provided feedback on the possible changes to the National Quality Framework are encouraged to do so. This is an important opportunity to provide input on issues for quality education and care and outcomes for children.

You can have your say by making a written submission, an online comment or participating in an online survey on the RIS consultation site.

For further information and regular updates regarding the 2014 Review visit the Department of Local Government and Communities website.