Toddler Tucker coming to the Goldfields

Former West Coast Eagles player David Wirrpanda is dishing out support for a healthy lifestyle campaign aimed at Aboriginal families and toddlers.

The father of two boys, Marley 4, and Eli 3, Wirrpanda was excited about the program, Toddler Tucker, because he could relate to it. “Understanding what to feed young children can be a daunting task as a young parent,” Wirrpanda said. “I’ve got a lot out of this experience.”

The program, designed and produced by Meerilinga Young Children’s Foundation Inc. was officially launched last year and piloted in the City of Swan, City of Cockburn and Beagle Bay in the Kimberley. Toddler Tucker Facilitator Training will be presented in the Goldfields region 25-27 February 2014.

In consultation with local community partners, the program provides resources, training and promotional material to assist Aboriginal families and carers to develop healthy behaviours in their young children. Wirrpanda and his partner Shannon McGuire have supported Meerilinga in the development and promotion of Toddler Tucker.

“If you look at Aboriginal communities across the nation, health is a major focus and, hopefully, we can start to change habits at a young age and these will continue through generations” (David Wirrpanda).

See or check your local Aboriginal community services for more details.