High Wycombe Pre-kindy Info Night
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outdoor loose parts play on the nature table of the meerilinga ballajura early learning program. A wonderufl alternative to childcare, give your child the attention they need in this close knit community pre-kindy
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Ballajura pre-kindy Info Night

Ballajura Early Learning Program



Looking for affordable childcare in Ballajura? Join the family at Meerilinga Ballajura and enjoy a better option to childcare in our quality Early Learning and Bindi Kindi Programs. These fun early education programs focus on learning through play! We even offer our families a free trial day to help make the decision easier.

Meerilinga Ballajura is a not-for-profit organisation and a vibrant hub for community groups and families. Meerilinga’s pre-kindy area features a huge nature-based outdoor play area. We also offer a large undercover area to encourage safe outdoor play whether rain or shine! A hidden gem, our centre is an integral part of the Ballajura community: we’re located right next to the Ballajura Library, close to the football club and swimming pool, and are proudly supported by The City of Swan.

Our goal at Meerilinga Ballajura is to promote positive childhoods in Ballajura. Part of this includes supporting families with their child’s transition into school. Just this year Meerilinga Ballajura opened a new Bindi Kindi Program for 2-3-year-olds, designed to help with pre-school readiness skills, socialisation, sharing and cooperation through small group play.

Our Early Learning Program in Ballajura costs $75 per day.

To do this, Meerilinga Ballajura follows ACECQA‘s vision of Belonging, Being & Becoming. We have modeled our learning programs on the best of the best from our other successful programs in Perth. Meerilinga has built its educational program around the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). Our team at Meerilinga Ballajura are passionate about letting your child enjoy childhood and helping them make meaningful discoveries by learning through play.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on our Early Learning Philosophy. Take a few moments to complete this short survey.

See our Family Handbook for more information, or check out our Early Learning Program FAQs.

To keep up with community events at Ballajura, follow us on Facebook.

Ballajura Early Learning Program opening times

2 Community Mews Ballajura WA 6066

  • Monday:
  • Tuesday: 9.00am to 2.30pm
  • Wednesday: 9.00am to 2.30pm
  • Thursday: 9.00am to 2.30pm
  • Friday: 9.00am to 2.30pm

Other Centres

Early Learning Program Enquiry Form

Send us your details and we'll contact you about the Early Learning Program. Enrolments are now open and places are filling fast!

Preferred enrolment year *
How did you hear about Meerilinga's Early Learning Program? *