Paint the Swan REaD were delighted to be invited by Meerilinga to attend their Family Circle group during Children’s Week. 7 parents and carers and over 10 children were in attendance. CLAN staff supported the event with story time, singing and a healthy morning tea. Paint the Swan REaD provided the children with a gift bag including Paint the Swan ReAD materials, a free book and information on early literacy. RED the Super Reading Roo also made a guest appearance which delighted the children.
The parents were asked how many of them had seen Paint the Swan ReAD and Red the Super Reading Roo before. 6/7 replied YES! When the children were asked “What does RED love to do?”one little girl shouted out READ! It was evident that Bullsbrook families are becoming very familiar with RED, Paint the Swan ReAD and it’s message. They also enquired about when the next big Bullsbrook event would be held.