COVID-19 Update 5 February 2021

Dear Meerilinga Community


We thank you for your patience and support during this week’s spontaneous lockdown period. We are delighted to announce that as of Monday 8 February, all Meerilinga service locations will resume their regular opening hours.

As the Premier announced yesterday evening, pending no further CVID-19 cases directly impacting on community, from 6pm, Friday 5 February the following will come into effect:

  • Perth and Peel will enter into a post-lockdown transition period until 12.01am, Sunday 14 February. This allows the full 14-day incubation period to run its course.


  • Masks are to be worn by all centre staff. Masks are not required to be worn by children.
  • Teaching staff are permitted to remove their mask if teaching at the front of the classroom to enable clear enunciation.
  • 4 square metre capacity rule is in place for all centre locations (the licensed early learning programs are exempt from this rule).
  • Mandatory contact registers/sign in for all Meerilinga remains in place.
  • Mandatory cleaning schedules remain in place.
  • Early Learning Programs including Bindi Kindi and Pre-Kindy return Monday 8 February. Families will be required to follow the signage on the front door, with adults to wear a mask, register on entry, wash/sanitise hands on entry and exit, and keep 1.5m space between people.
  • Playgroups will resume the week commencing Monday 8 February. Adults are required to wear a mask, register on entry, wash/sanitise hands on entry and exit, keep 1.5m space between people and must abide by the 4m square rule.
  • Volunteers will return to Meerilinga services the week commencing Monday 8 February. Volunteers are held to the same requirements of Meerilinga staff.
  • Community User Groups will return to Meerilinga Services commencing Monday 8 February. Adults are required to wear a mask, register on entry, wash/sanitise hands on entry and exit, keep 1.5m space between people and abide by the 4m square rule.


  • All Certificate III classes will go online from Monday 8 February to Friday 12 February.
  • Trainers will contact their students to guide the online learning process. If you have any questions please email
  • In line with current government guidelines, all Certificate III students will return to face to face classes in their regular course schedule on Monday 15 February 2021.
  • Diploma students will commence face to face classes Monday 8 February. Students must use the App to check in or sign the Register at the entrance of your training venue. Students must wear a mask during class. Students who are sick or isolating must stay at home and notify MTC of your absence and provide their trainer with a Medical Certificate upon returning to class.

If you are unwell or required to isolate, please stay at home and take care of yourself. We look forward to seeing you in our centres when you are well.

Further details can be found at

Thank you all for your tremendous efforts this week, we appreciate your commitment to keeping our community safe.


Take care

Lesley Moreschi

CEO Meerilinga Young Children’s Foundation