Harmony Week 2019

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Harmony Day in Australia, which in 2019 has been renamed ‘Harmony Week’. The renaming of Harmony Week means every event held during the week will be included in the celebration. The week runs from 17 – 23 March and includes the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21.

What’s Harmony Week all about?

Harmony Week is a celebration of Australia and our diverse backgrounds. Of the multiculturalism that we have in our wonderful country. Above all, to make sure everyone feels a sense of belonging, and to celebrate inclusion regardless of culture or background.

*Since 1945 more than 7.5 million people have migrated to Australia. This means that nearly half (49%) of Aussies were born overseas or have one parent who was. This therefore makes Australia one of the most multicultural nations in the World.

Why orange? 

Traditionally, orange represents communication, freedom and respect. For Harmony Week wearing orange is to support an inclusive Australia that celebrates cultural diversity.

What will Meerilinga do for Harmony Week?

Meerilinga celebrates Harmony Week across our six Children and Family Centres, with children encouraged to wear orange to support Harmony Week.

Our centre in Beechboro will host a special Harmony Day event on Thursday, 21 March. The local community are invited to attend, bring a traditional plate and to dress in traditional clothing to join in the festivities.


*These facts are from the ABS 2016 Census Data.