Learning Life Cycles with a Herb Garden in High Wycombe

Over the last few weeks our High Wycombe Early Learning Program have been very busy creating their own vertical herb garden after the children expressed interest in growing their own plants. As a part of our sustainability program we have used recycled milk bottles for the pots, collected by the children and plant cuttings from the children’s home gardens (or grandparent’s gardens). The children chose the location of the garden and where each pot would be hung on the fence.

Then it was time for the fun part! The children filled each pot with soil and planted the herbs that they collected over several weeks, and then watered our new garden. The children were so excited to share their new garden with their families and have been taking great care of each plant ever since making many new discoveries about the life-cycles of plants.

A huge thankyou to our wonderful families for providing the milk bottles and generously sharing the plants from their gardens.

the children at meerilinga high wycombe learn about environmental sustainability in their childcare and early learning programs