Resources for Parents and Caregivers

Resources for parents and caregivers

Parents and carers with children aged birth to 18 years living in Cockburn, Rockingham, Kwinana, Fremantle, Melville and East Fremantle localities are eligible to access parenting support services to assist them in:

  • managing the challenges of parenting;
  • building knowledge, skills and confidence;
  • understanding children’s development; and
  • identifying local community supports and other relevant networks.

‘Parent’ is considered to include carers, foster carers, relative carers, stepfamilies, grandfamilies and others who have a direct full-time, part-time or occasional parenting role.

How to Discuss National Reconciliation Week With Your Children

In light of National Reconciliation Week, Meerilinga Parenting Service developed a helpful guide on how you can help your kids understand and learn about complex issues like racism. Download the Conversations about Racism resource.

Resources for professionals

Download the guide for professionals.

A guide for inter-agency referral

As the lead agency in the south west metropolitan parent support network, we provide a variety of support for parents, carers and families. To access our services, please contact Susie or Belynda on 08 9331 2211. If you are an agency looking to refer your clients to our services, please complete the referral form.

Download the referral form.


For many years, Meerilinga has delivered parenting support, courses and services to thousands of families across Perth and we will continue to do so. From this month, the way parenting services in WA are delivered has changed and Meerilinga is proud to be partnering with our colleagues at Kwinana Early Years Services (KEYS) and the City of Cockburn, to provide the new South West Metropolitan Parenting Service (SWMPS).

New parents! Check out this wonderful resource, A Letter From Your Baby, written by the Australian Association for Infant Mental Health. This piece is written from the perspective of your newborn baby to you, and is a fantastic reminder of the vital work you do as a parent every day.