
Safe Sleeping Tips

Promoting Safe Sleep Unfortunately, SIDS and Sleep Accidents still cause unexpected infant deaths across Australia. Here are some safe sleeping tips to reduce the risk of sudden unexpected death in […]

Getting Kids in the Kitchen

Cooking is a fun, tactile way to engage young children. Getting kids in the kitchen also helps to develop essential life skills while promoting social, mental and physical health. So, […]

Balancing Virtual and Real Life

Balancing Act Balancing Virtual and Real Life for your tween or teen is tricky when they are becoming increasingly connected online. A Pew Research Center study reveals 95% of teens use […]

Science in Early Learning

Creating a Vibrant Future! It’s National Science Week in Australia! And there are many reasons why we should talk about Science in Early Learning.  Science in Early Learning is important […]

History of Child Rights

Children’s Rights Long and ever evolving is the History of Child Rights. This Children’s Week, we explore this history.  The need for change Children, like adults, have basic human rights. However, […]

Breaking Gender Stereotypes in Early Education

Gender Stereotypes in Early Education Breaking Gender Stereotypes in Early Education promotes equality in early childhood. This is important as research shows gender stereotypes impact the way we judge the […]

Welcome to CBCA Book Week 2019!

Welcome to CBCA Book Week 2019! Every year in August communities across Australia celebrate Australian Children’s literature during CBCA Book Week. This year the week runs from 17 – 23 […]