Woodvale Early Learning Program

Meerilinga Woodvale is a much-loved part of our local community. A trailblazer for the Early Learning Program, our Centre has been guiding children in their early education for more than twenty years. Today, our team of experienced Early Childhood Educators are ready to help your child through their first crucial stages of development and prepare them for school.
Our holistic education program incorporates a play-based learning approach that encourages your child to explore their world, create their own unique learning outcomes and become who they are. By following the Early Years Learning Framework provided by ACECQA, your child will form pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills and discover their ability for socialisation and language.
As a not-for-profit creating positive childhoods in Woodvale, we collaborate closely with community partners and provide access to a wide range of services, including parenting workshops and room hire. In our Early Childhood Education programs, this also involves regular visits to North Woodvale Primary School and the Woodvale Library to help enhance your child’s learning and improve their transition from home to school. Your child will always be excited to return to our Centre, where the large play areas and chicken coop (the home of Rosie and Peanut) are ready to explore.
Find us in the heart of Woodvale next to North Woodvale Primary School and discover the difference that Meerilinga is making for our children, families and communities.

The Meerilinga team were privileged to attend Child Australia’s the 2024 WA Early Childhood Learning and Development Sector Awards. This wonderful event celebrated the achievements of our industry, including those of Meerilinga’s Early Learning Programs.
We were thrilled to feature throughout the night, including:
- Woodvale was awarded winner for “Excellence in Best Practice”
(in particular for innovation and/or exceptional sustainable practice).
No child is too young for a Meerilinga Playgroup! All children from birth to five years love new experiences and can benefit from developing sensory, social and communication skills through our playgroup activities.
Even better, Meerilinga Playgroups are designed to involve and connect parents and families, with caregivers attending alongside their children and retaining responsibility for their wellbeing during each session.
Including at least three families at a time, your local Centre’s Playgroups goes on at least once a week and coincide with the School Term, the dates of which can be found on the Department of Education website.
Play with purpose and connect with your community by discovering your local Meerilinga Playgroup today.

Bindi Kindi Woodvale
- Ages: 2-3 years
- Location: 30 Chichester Dr, Woodvale WA 6026
- Contact: earlylearning@meerilinga.org.au or 0439 599 250
- Days: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
- Times: 8:30am - 3:30pm
- Session Fee: $110.00
Eligible families are able to claim the Child Care Subsidy on these sessions.
Pre-Kindy Woodvale
- Ages: 2.9-5 years
- Location: 30 Chichester Dr, Woodvale WA 6026
- Contact: earlylearning@meerilinga.org.au or 0439 599 250
- Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
- Times: 8:30am - 3:30pm
- Session Fee: $110.00
Eligible families are able to claim the Child Care Subsidy on these sessions.